Understanding the Role of Indonesian Millenials in Digital Politics Participation Towards Simultaneous Election in 2024 (72088)
Session Chair: Rosalie Arcala Hall
Friday, 30 June 2023 11:40
Session: Session 1
Room: Lecture Room 1
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Indonesian Millenials are the largest age-group as Indonesia is experiencing a demographic dividend, where the size of the young productive age population is the largest until 2030. Millennials and Gen-Zers hold about 54 percent of the population of 270 million people, according to official statistics. Meanwhile, the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (2022) also stated that 77% of Indonesian citizens or as many as 210 million people have used the internet. With large numbers and high level of technological literacy, Indonesian millennials hold much responsibility for better results in upcoming election. Using qualitative approach and library research, researcher will categorize data based on autonomous participation and mobilize participation in Indonesia. This article will provide what’s role from Indonesian Millenials especially in terms of political participation, not only about voting rights but also conduct the flow in how to express their opinion or political preference. Which more or less can impact voting behaviour and influencing the direction of the country in various spheres.
Anastacia Patricia Novlina Nurak, Warmadewa University, Indonesia
Made Bayu Permana Adhinata, Warmadewa University, Indonesia
See this presentation on the full schedule – Friday Schedule
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