The Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA) is Asia’s leading academic organization dealing with political and international studies. Modeled on academic institutions in North America and Western Europe, APISA serves as an academic community for scholars working on Asia. The Association organizes the annual (biennial) congress and sponsors a range of academic and professional activities such as book awards, fellowships, regional and international conferences and workshops, and capacity building.
APISA’s objectives are:

  • – Promotion of research and teaching in all areas of the social sciences, in particular disciplines related to political and international studies
  • – Dissemination of research findings, institutional skills and syllabi
  • – Promotion of cooperation and exchanges between individuals and institutions
  • – Promotion of regional and sub-regional peace through epistemic communities

Recent Activities/Announcements

"APISA & IPS Conference 2024" @ Hatyai, Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand

“Peace Building and Development in Southeast Asia”

4-6 October, Institute for Peace Studies, Prince of Songkhla University
In 2024 Southeast Asia finds itself embroiled in several persistent conflicts that have yet to be resolved. At the same time, issues of human rights and transitional justice are related to these conflicts. Thus, this conference addresses peacebuilding in the countries of this region. The purpose of the conference is to build specialized knowledge on the integration of peace, legitimacy and geoeconomics in Southeast Asia, as a means of mitigating conflict in areas where it exists in the region. The conference will be composed of several panels which look at various aspects of peace building in different parts of Southeast Asia.
Please see here for Registration and Further Information.

The International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the International Political Science Abstracts seek articles for the journal's Trends in International Political Science rubric.
Every year, International Political Science Abstracts receives over 30,000 articles from around the globe, providing us with an unparalleled access to articles published in and around our discipline. Trends seeks to build on this material, determining six burgeoning currents in the field. After the revision process, the Trends article is then published as the first chapter of each bi-monthly issue of the International Political Science Abstracts and distributed to libraries around the world in both print and database editions. Authors will receive an honorarium of 500 euros, which may be shared with a co-author.
Please download the following PDF for Publication Timeline, Aims & Scope, and other information.

APISA 2024 Osaka

"Asian Governance: Intersections of domestic, regional, and international" | September 26-28, 2024, OSIPP, Osaka University, Japan
The Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA) is happy to issue a Call for Papers, for the upcoming conference at the Osaka School of International Public Policy (OSIPP), Osaka University, Japan from September 26-28 (Fri.-Sat.). The conference has a particular focus on the policy impact of the electoral outcomes in the Indo-Pacific region on the inter-related, three layers of governance structures (domestic, regional and global). The conference will be in person September 27-28, and online on September 26. Please see here for Registration and Further Information.

The 7th Global International Studies Conference of the World International Studies Committee, University of Warsaw, July 24-26, 2024
APISA is happy to announce the Call for Papers for our partner, WISC (World International Studies Committee), which will be holding its conference in Warsaw next year. Further information

APISA2023: APISA 17th Annual Congress | Friday, June 30 to Saturday, July 1, 2023
APISA 2023 was co-hosted by the Institute of Peace and Democracy and Warmadewa University in Bali, in collaboration with the Center of ASEAN Community Studies (CACS) in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Naresuan University, the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy’s (OSIPP) "Peace and Human Security in Asia: Toward a Meaningful Japan-Korea Partnership", and the Institute for International and Area Studies, Ewha Womans University Further information

APISA 2022: APISA 16th Annual Congress | December 10-11, 2022
APISA2022 was co-hosted by Chiang Mai University, Thailand, and the IAFOR Research Centre at the Osaka School of International Public Policy's (OSIPP) "Peace and Human Security in Asia: Toward a Meaningful Japan-Korea Partnership" project supported by the Korea Foundation, and supported by The International Academic Forum. Further information

2nd Asian Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy20-26 June 2022OSCE Academy in Bishkek Organised under the auspices of APISA, the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the Summer School will bring together an international team of academics and practitioners to train and instruct a group of 14 MA/PhD researchers, practitioners and civil society leaders in the field of political parties and democracy. Further information

APISA 15November 26-27, 2021Operationalizing an East Asian Community of Peace and Development: Challenges and Opportunities Hosted by the Graduate School of International Studies and the Institute for International and Area Studies Ewha Womans University Further information
Asian International Studies ReviewCall for papers Vol.22 No.2 Submission deadline: July 31, 2021 Further information

New Publications
The Niche Diplomacy of Asian Middle Powers Edited by Brendan HoweLexington Books 978-1-7936-2483-3 May 2021

Global Partners

APISA Secretariat
The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
Sakae 1-16-26, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Japan

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