Weaving Social Fabrics: Legitimacy and Peace Building in Southeast Asia (72052)
Session Chair: Paul Chambers
Friday, 30 June 2023 15:15
Session: Session 3
Room: Main Hall
Presentation Type:Panel Presentation
Legitimacy is profoundly salient for enabling sustainable peace. Legitimacy makes societal elements approve of rulers, obey laws, and perceive power relationships as just. The right to rule, rule of law, and perception of justice solidify a lasting peace formation. As such, this panel addresses the following questions: First, what forms of legitimacy are significant for peace building? Second, to what extent does use of coercive force develop peace? Third, do instrumental forms of legitimacy developed by responding to citizens’ needs solidify peace? Fourth, can substantive legitimacy (grounded in shared values and rightfulness) be salient for a lasting peace? Fifth, does a form of interactive legitimacy developed through daily interaction based on dignity and respect sustain peace? These questions, derived from research on peace building, are reflected through Southeast Asian experiences/cases on peace building. The other salient issue pertains to multiple forms of authority in peace processes. This panel, composed of five speakers (moderator, cases of Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, and Myanmar) address these issues.
Paul Chambers, Naresuan University, Thailand
Ketut Erawan, Warmadewa University, Indonesia
Srisompob Jitpiromsri, Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand
Julio Teehankee, De La Salle University, Philippines
Lina Alexander, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Indonesia
See this presentation on the full schedule – Friday Schedule
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