Political Dynasties and Democratization (71652)
Session Chair: Christian Schafferer
Friday, 30 June 2023 10:50
Session: Session 1
Room: Main Hall
Presentation Type:Panel Presentation
Political dynasties exist in democracies as well as in authoritarian states. Asia has the largest concentration of political dynasties elected to the legislature among twenty-four democracies between 1996 and 2016. These include India, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, and Thailand (Smith, 2018). This panel scrutinizes the agential, historical, and institutional factors which influenced the development of political dynasties in different national settings. More specifically, the selected cases studies explore the factors behind the growth of political dynasties in East and Southeast Asia and their current/future implications for democratic governance. The panel covers the cases of the Philippines (Julio C. Teehankee, De La Salle University, Philippines), South Korea (Jung Hoon Park, Sogang University, South Korea), Thailand (Paul Chambers, Naresuan University, Thailand; Srisompob Jitpiromsri, Prince of Songkla University—Pattani, Thailand), Taiwan (Christian Schafferer, Overseas Chinese University, Taiwan), and India (Ambar Kumar Ghosh, Observer Research Foundation, India).
Christian Schafferer, Overseas Chinese University, Taiwan
Julio Teehankee, De La Salle University, Philippines
Jung Hoon Park, Sogang University, South Korea
Paul Chambers, Naresuan University, Thailand
Srisompob Jitpiromsri, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
Ambar Kumar Ghosh, Observer Research Foundation, India
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