The Inconsistency of the Thai Government’s Human Resource Development System and Community Needs: A Case Study of the Reskilling and Upskilling Training Program for Indigenous Fishing Communities in Prachuab Khiri Khan, Thailand (72953)
Session Chair: Napisa Waitoolkiat
Saturday, 1 July 2023 14:20
Session: Session 3
Room: Lecture Room 2
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
Resilience enhancement of organizations at all levels is paramount. The Thai government invests a sizeable annual budget in training programs but with modest outcomes. This paper seeks to exhibit the concerns of human resource development in the Thai government sector, aggravated by the consequences of COVID-19, which accelerated digitalization. By highlighting the importance of surveys and designs for people's development programs for reskilling and upskilling, this paper will analyze the gap between the demands of the local people or trainees and the government's policies. Consequently, the relationships among human resource development, decentralization, and equalization in terms of opportunity accessibility will be explored through the lens of sustainable development. This paper will also utilize the "Reskilling and Upskilling Training Program for Indigenous Fishing Communities in Prachuab Khiri Khan" to accentuate this concern. Finally, this research will propose solutions for post-COVID-19 human resource development in Thailand's government and people sectors.
Pongsira Kongthaewtong, Naresuan University, Thailand
Porngam Liamsiriwatana, Phitsanulok Institute for Skill Development, Thailand
See this presentation on the full schedule – Saturday Schedule
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