Inclusive Shame for Peaceful Coexistence: Historical Reconciliation with Reciprocal Non-domination in Northeast Asia (71866)
Session Chair: Napisa Waitoolkiat
Thursday, 29 June 2023 12:25
Session: Session 1
Room: Room B (Live Stream)
Presentation Type:Live-Stream Presentation
Investigating the sentiment of apology fatigue in Japan, a number of scholars have argued that any type of collective shame, driven by the demand for official apology over Japan’s wartime atrocities, needs not be a prerequisite for historical reconciliation in Northeast Asia. Apparently, we are facing a paradox of shame. Shaming is a powerful weapon for rectifying historical injustices, while it falls prey to nationalist backlash. Nevertheless, the politics of anti-shame that tends to neutralize wartime atrocities with national interest cannot be ethically justified. By rendering Hannah Arendt’s view of shame with respect to the Holocaust in Northeast Asian context, this paper suggests an alternative type of “inclusive shame,” through which the victim and the victimizer are placed in the status of reciprocal non-domination to reconsider human vulnerability rather than power asymmetric, that can provide an entry into peaceful coexistence through historical reconciliation that would not otherwise exist.
Jun-Hyeok Kwak, Sun Yat-sen University, China
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