
South Korea’s Threat Perception of North Korea: A Comprehensive Framework (72050)

Session Information: Security, Threats, and Securitization

Session Chair: Haruko Satoh

Saturday, 1 July 2023 11:25
Session: Session 2
Room: Lecture Room 2
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

This research seeks to identify the causal factors that influence South Korean threat perception of North Korea, and aims to understand why there has been variance over time. It argues that South Korean threat perception cannot be explained through only exogenous factors, such as the role of the United States, North Korean military capabilities or its level of adherence to international norms. A deeper understanding of South Korea’s domestic factors, such as national identity and domestic politics, are needed to fully understand the total composition of threat perception. This research furthermore examines the objective threat that North Korea poses from a Defensive Realism perspective, and then proposes a more eclectic framework to understand threat perception via incorporating English School Rationalism and Constructivism theories.

Patricia Aguado Gamero, Ewha Womans University, South Korea

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