Quantitative analysis of ICWC Bulletins on the Aral Sea (72062)
Session Chair: Rosalie Arcala Hall
Friday, 30 June 2023 15:15
Session: Session 3
Room: Lecture Room 1
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
This study quantifies the differences in diplomatic positions and economic concerns on problems of the Aral Sea and water resources among five central asian countries by analysing ICWC Bulletins from 1996 to 2022 with text-mining techniques such as Correspondence analysis and Co-occurrence networks
This study categorises presidential speeches and joint statements in Bulletins into 'countries with water sources' or 'countries without water sources' and also classifies them by a partner country. These classifications allow analysing the impact of "water sources of Aral Sea within their territories" and the effect of 'which country is a partner when issuing a joint statement.'
The results of the analysis possibly suggest that 'countries with water sources' are willing to use the water sources for energy production and 'countries without water sources' intend to prevent 'countries with water sources' from using water sources without consideration by emphasising bilateral cooperations or problems of the Aral Sea.
Akira Sano, University of Tsukuba, Japan
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