
Sustainable Community Development for Promoting Common Good: A Case Study of Sufficiency Economy Learning Center in Buriram Province, Thailand (73199)

Session Information: Governance and Human Development

Session Chair: Haruko Satoh

Saturday, 1 July 2023 15:10
Session: Session 3
Room: Lecture Room 1
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation

The purpose of this article is to describe the Sufficiency Economy Learning Center created by the civil society consisting of four primary sectors: academic institution (Buriram Rajabhat University), monastery, village, and local government agency. They have collaborated to establish this center in order to promote good common among the communities located in Nangrong District, Buriram Province, Thailand. The location has been transformed into a learning center where various initiatives based on the King's Sufficiency Economy have been successfully implemented for the sustainable development of communities. Regarding the Sufficiency Economy (SE), it is a philosophy bestowed upon his subjects in 1977 by His Majesty King Rama IX. The Sufficiency Economy is comprised of three elements: moderation, reasonableness, and self-immunity, with two attendant conditions: appropriate knowledge and ethics and virtues. Therefore, the SE Learning Center can serve as a model for the good common of communities that prioritize sustainable development.

Akkarapon Nuemaihom, Buriram Rajabhat University, Thailand

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