South-South Scholarly Collaboration Program

Hari Singh Director (2005 - 2011)

Contact Details:
For contact information please get in touch with the Secretariat.
E-mail: secretariat[at]

Africa/Asia/Latin America Scholarly Collaboration Program

The Africa/Asia/Latin America Scholarly Collaboration Program, commonly referred to as the South-South Program, was launched in 2005 by APISA and other social sciences organization in Africa and Latin America. It seeks to encourage knowledge production, knowledge sharing and networking in the South as well as to enhance the authoritative voice of the South in international scholarship.

These objectives are implemented through an intellectual agenda comprising research themes. The actualization of this agenda is conducted through Research Workshops, Summer Institutes, publications, and scholarly exchanges:

The South-South Program is generously funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

The program was terminated in 2011 as a result of the global fiscal crisis and the subsequent changes in the funding policies of international donars.