Organizing Institutions
| 2003
| Asia in the New Millennium: Development, Democracy and Security
| Singapore
| 135
| Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies and Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore
| Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, and Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore
Second Congress
| 2005
| Governance Dilemmas in Asia: Public Action in a Competitive and Insecure World
| Hong Kong
| 110
| City University of Hong Kong
| Swedish International Development Agency, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the
City University of Hong Kong
| 2007
| Conceptions of Justice in Asia
| New Delhi
| 77
| Developing Countries Research Centre, University of Delhi,
Centre for Policy Research (Delhi)
and Jamia Millia Islamia
| Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, University of Delhi,
University Grants Commission (UGC) of India, Ministry of External Affairs and the Ford Foundation (New Delhi)
| 2009
| Asia in the Midst of Crises: Political, Economic, and Social Dimensions
| Manila
| 327
| International Studies Department,
De La Salle University, the Yuchengco Center, and the Philippine Political Science Association
| Japan Foundation
| 2011
| Regional Integration in Asia and Europe in the 21st Century
| Taichung
| 264
| Overseas Chinese University (Taiwan), Thammasat University (Thailand), De La Salle University Manila (Philippines), Institute of Social and Societal Changes (Austria), Austrian Association of East Asian Studies
| National Science Council Taiwan,
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, City of Taichung
Sixth Congress
| 2012
| Policy and Politics in Changing Asia
| Hong Kong
| 138
| City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Institute of Education
| City University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, and the Office of the European Union to Hong Kong and Macao
Seventh Congress
| 2013
Citizen Engagement and Collective Action Within and Across Asian Societies
| Ankara
| 150
| Middle East Technical University
| Middle East Technical University, Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Eighth Congress
| 2014
| Human Security, Conflict Management, Security Sector Reform and Local Democratization
| Chiang Mai
| 149
| Institute of Southeast Asian Affairs, affiliated with Chiang Mai University
Department of Asian and Policy Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Education
| Hong Kong Institute of Education
South Asia Democratic Forum
Konrad Adenaur Foundation
Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Peace and Human Security in Asia (PAHSA)
Ninth Congress
| 2015
| Asia in 2015 and Beyond:
New Challenges and Governance Agendas
| Phnom Penh
| 137
| Royal University of Phnom Penh and Ewha Womans University
| Ewha Womans University
Tenth Congress
| 2016
| The Asia-Pacific Conference on Security and International Relations 2016
| Osaka
| 130
| Osaka School of International Public Policy, International Academic Forum
| Japan Foundation
Eleventh Congress
| 2017
| 50 Years of ASEAN amidst Contemporary Challenges: Human Security, Conflict Resolution, Connectivity and Democratization
| Phitsanulok
| 163
| College of ASEAN Community Studies, Naresuan University
| Konrad Adenaur Foundation
Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Naresuan University
Twelth Congress
| 2018
| Revisiting Bandung: Cultivating Asia's Insights on Global International Relations and Political Science
| Bandung, Indonesia
| 102
| Parahyangan Catholic University
| Parahyangan Catholic University
| 2019
| Asian Conference on Human Security, Multiculturalism and Democracy
| Swutel Hotel Bangkok
| 89
| Naresuan University
| Naresuan University
| 2020
| New and Future Governance Challenges in East Asia
| Kyung Hee University, South Korea
| 48
| Kyung Hee University/Korean International Studies Association (KISA)
| Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
| 2021
| Asian Conference on Human Security, Multiculturalism and Democracy
| Ewha Womans University, Seoul
| 45
| Ewha Womans University/Korean International Studies Association (KISA)
| Friedrich Ebert Stiftung